FX -- Fire-Breathing & Flame Sneeze
Need to light a dark cave? Do you need a defense system for pesky nose boop fiends? Do you want to solve virtually every problem you have? Choose:
Prefabs are sized for Novabeasts and Chibi Novabeasts -- but this asset can be resized and repositioned for any avatar!
Video installation, resizing, and gesture activation changing guides for any avatar are available on the downloads page!
You can now test the Fire-Breathing and Flame Sneeze in 'Vio's Avatar World', with either Kyoi or Kaiul!
Click the banner below to launch the VRChat avatar world:
FX -- Fire-Breathing & Flame Sneeze is a VFX and sound FX prefab that allows you to... well, breathe and sneeze fire! VRCFury drag-and-drop installation method is included, as well as FX controller, menu, and parameters if you'd like to install manually.
To breathe fire, make an open gesture with both hands while "Fire Breath" is toggled on in the radial menu! You can change the activation gesture using one of the included FX controllers. (0:35 second video tutorial included)
You can scale the flames with your microphone volume using the "Voice Scaling" toggle!
You can sneeze using the button in the radial menu, or, you or a friend can tickle your nose three times. You can sneeze while fire breathing.
Can be added to other avatars if repositioned. Facial animations may be updated. (If your avatar has MMD, there is a chance the face will automatically animate!)
The facial animations exist in the five following animations if you'd like to add them yourself (video tutorial available):
-Custom textures, texture sheets, and menu icons handmade in Krita.
-Flames are all Unity Particle Systems, using Unity's standard Particle/Standard Unlit shader. (For Quest, VRChat/Mobile/Additive and Multiply shaders)
-Sounds are all my voice recorded through an Audio Technica AT2035 condenser microphone, and edited in Studio One 6. Isolated sneeze and flame sound are included in the "sounds" folder.
-28 tris (Decimated Blender Icosphere .fbx used for a Mesh Particle System, which comes out to 1,792 tris maximum Mesh Particles.)
-1.25 MB texture memory
-Toggleable flame scaling with your voice via a "Voice Scaling" option in the radial menu. (the louder you speak, the bigger the flames!)
-Flames collide with surfaces, and leave a brief fire trail where they collide.
-Optional point light that emits from the flames. (can be enabled in the radial menu, and Render Mode is set to "Not Important" but be please be wary of potential frame drop in heavy lobbies!)
-Boop the nose 3 times, and your Nova will sneeze a small mote of fire. You can also activate the sneeze from the menu.
-The following VRC Contact Sender tags are sent in the area of the flames upon breathing fire or sneezing:
- Fire
- Burn
- Hot
- Flame
- Heat
- Melt
- Torch
- Attack
- Damage
-Quest compatible VRCFury prefabs are included! Note, your avatar will be rated Very Poor due to the presence of particle systems. Note, point light and sounds will have options in the menu, but are not supported on Quest/Android.
-So far, best PC avatar rank I could achieve is Poor. Deleting the "Point Light" from the VRCFury prefab, did allow me to achieve Medium rank, however!
-This asset can light the Smokeable Weed Pipe asset, and it can burn away the "burnable" hoodie option on the Hoodie for Chibi Nova!
-NOTE: ensure your avatar's position coordinates are at (0, 0, 0) or the particles will not display correctly!
Tutorial Videos on an unlisted youtube playlist, on the downloads page:
- Install & Resizing, Any Avatar (4:07)
- Install & Resizing, Any Avatar [Quick Version] (0:36) assumes some Unity experience
- Customizing Colors (8:35)
- Customizing Colors [Quick Version] (2:24) assumes some Unity experience
- Changing the Activation Gesture preset (0:37)
- Changing the Activation Gesture manually (3:52)
- Custom Facial Animation for Any Avatar (23:50)
UPDATE (v1.7) 8/15/2024:
- All prefabs updated to uncompressed textures.
- Added 4 FX controllers for different activation methods:
- Open Hand gesture, both hands (FX_OpenHand_Fire) [DEFAULT]
- Gun gesture, both hands (FX_Gun_Fire)
- Point gesture, both hands (FX_Point_Fire)
- Rock N Roll gesture, both hands (FX_RockNRoll_Fire)
- Menu toggle, no gesture required (FX_MenuActivation_Fire)
- 2 optional avatar menus added to operate "Fire Breath" with a held-down Radial Menu button instead of a toggle (FireMenu_Button.asset) and (BlueFireButton_Menu.asset)
- Reduced animator layer count from 8 to 4.
You can submit tickets, ask for help in the asset-helpline, or hangout in my Discord server here:
Discord (Vio's Cottage)You can follow my twitter here:
TwitterI'm always making stuff, or gaming, on Twitch:
Twitch-Does NOT include the Novabeast avatar base, for purchase on Kittomatic's Gumroad:
Kittomatic-Once you have purchased Novabeast, or if you have purchased Novabeast and haven't yet, you can verify on the official Novabeast Discord below to see updates, the Novabeast catalog, and more! It's a brilliant community with tons of amazing artists, creators, and appreciators.
Official Novabeast DiscordTerms of Use
This asset is for PERSONAL and/or COMMERCIAL use
• You may customize, modify and adapt the asset for personal and/or commercial use.
• For commercial use, you must credit Violentpainter as the creator of the asset (in the description or in the credits).
• You may make commissions with the use of the asset, as long as both the customer and you have purchased the asset.
• Do not resell the asset or share the files.
• You may use this asset on public avatars, credit is not required but appreciated!
Thank you for your support!! No refunds, but I am open to any feedback, improvements, suggestions, or changes!